The majority of our donations come from businesses, corporate events, holiday parties, private donations, and dropped off at ACFD fire stations. We are so grateful that you have chosen us to support. All of our donations are sent to local nonprofits organizations that distribute directily to the local public.

We prefer monetary donations or gift cards because it gives us the most flexibility to help the organizations we serve.

Come to a Fire Station

New unwrapped toys can be dropped off outside at any Alameda County Fire Stations listed here between 8:00am to 5:00pm.

Donations will be collected through Thursday, December 31, 2024.

Donate Online

Donate Here

Cash donations are accepted via Venmo @ALCO55Toys.

Scan our Venmo QR Code to make a secure donation.

Partner With Our Program

Is your local company or group organizing a toy drive? We invite you to partner with us and contribute to our Toy Drive Program!

Please fill out the form below and you will be contacted by one of our team members.